28 March 2014

Hello today I'll be interviewing the lovely Ella from Utterly Ella.

1. What are your favourite books to read?
I love the Ruby Redfort books, 'Looking For Alaska' by John Green is one of my favourites, I adore 'Find And Keep' and Home by Becki Orpin and I recently read 'The Book Their' and it was UTTERLY AMAZING!!

2. What is your favourite place to be?
Ooh…. Well I love just to be at home and I live near the beach so I like it there a lot too but I really LOVE to travel too! so overall, I don't think I have a FAVOURITE place because I like a lot of places! 

3. What is your favourite thing to do?
I absolutely love crafting, gymnastics and yoga, reading, going on pinterest and blogging!

4. Who inspires you?
I am inspired by many people for many different reasons and here are some: Zali from Miss Zali Blog, Becki Orpin and my mum ! That sounds funny….

5. What is your favourite day of the week?
It would have to be Friday.

6. What do you like to eat?
I eat very healthy I'm a vegetarian !! I love sushi, watermelon, pineapple, smoothies, tofu, salt and vinegar crisps (not very healthy but YUMMY!!), potatoes and mexican food!! Overall I just LOVE food !!

Thanks for featuring me on your blog today!!

Thank you so much for letting me interview you Ella!
XO Beau Fleur


  1. hi paris ! i just wanted to say thank you so much ! you are too sweet and your blog is utterly wonderful ! ella x

  2. that's ok ella thank you i really think your blog is lovely too!
