7 July 2014

Hello lovelies!
Today I have a very very EXCITING interview with the amazing - Jasmine Dowling! Her typography  is wonderful and she is super pretty! Enjoy, and thank you SO much for letting me interview you Jasmine!

1. Tell me a bit about yourself?
 I am a 21 (nearly 22 in a month or so) year old student, blogger, typographer and all round creative from Brisbane, Australia. After studying graphic design for 4 years I found myself needing to step away from digital design and re-teach myself the skill of illustration again. So I started hand illustrating typography whilst starting my fashion blog I always loved both fashion and design so it was very natural for me to be taking part in both creative fields.

2. What makes you happy?
I think what truly makes me happy creatively, is to be creating something from the idea right through to seeing the end result, and the whole process of that. However I love being in the car driving places I haven’t been, and just exploring different places.

3. What is your fashion style?
I think I am quite a comfortable dresser, I really like clothes that are easy to wear and quite minimalistic in their shape. Normally though my style changes upon what is on that day, I love to dress for the mood of the day or the surroundings.

4. Tell me about your hobbies?
I was lucky enough to turn my hobbies into my job, so I still find myself working in non-work hours or on weekends. But other than that I like to eat out a lot or flick through really aesthetically pleasing books.

5. Who or what inspired you to create a blog?
I started my blog just because I was posting a lot on Instagram and people started to ask if I had one. So after a few months I just started one and since then I guess I haven’t looked back.

6. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
I guess it an adult way of playing dress ups

7. Do you have any advice for beginner bloggers?
I think it is really important to think about how you are different, how is your style and taste different to those other bloggers out there and express that. There is no use in wearing what everyone else is wearing or posting really popular imagery because it won’t stand out as uniquely you.

8. Who or what inspired you to start typography?
As I said earlier it was really just a point in my design education that I realised I didn’t want to sit on the computer anymore. I wanted to re-teach myself how to illustrate, and typography to me was the most appealing place to start that.

9. Where do you get your ideas for what to write from?
I listen to random music a lot just to see if a word jumps out at me, then I just do a lot of word play. Otherwise I take inspiration from my mood or what is going on around me.

10. How long does it take to finish one piece?
It really depends on the piece, some can take 2 hours or some can take a couple of days to weeks. It really just depends.

Follow Jasmine -

XO Beau Fleur